Sunday, May 12, 2013

Steps So Sweet

I'm hoping to know a little more each day--about God, myself, the world, the people around me, the way things work...and how these all blend and thrive.

Sustainer. He has initiated me on this journey, in particular this next step of it, and I am eager to lean in.

I thirst and hunger for more. More what? More ANYTHING! Sweeter love, wider eyes, deeper ears. I long for a heart that beats with eyes that see and ears that hear what Jesus sees and hears. So, step I will into the next print on the ground, and I will keep stepping because onward I go!

Haiti wasn't even on my radar. I only knew it was where I was meant to be when the peace of moving there to teach English at Qusiqueya Christian School spread throughout my being one Saturday night on my way home from a four-hour Passover Service. The undecided choice to remain in my current path or to move on to a new one lingered in me, no resolve. I sought clarity for weeks to no avail. Then the peace came. It was the peace that spread through me, and I knew I had my answer. The opportunity to teach English in Port-au-Prince captivated my attention for sure. The chance to disciple a small group of students resounded with a note in the song my heart sings, and the promise of ministering to lives beyond the classroom through after-school activities impressed every part of me.

It's a combination of all my favorite things: students, discipleship, community-living, teaching, English, Jesus, challenge, travel, new culture, warmth (sun & atmosphere), foreign language, freedom to be, and the chance to learn new notes to add to the song I sing. :)

I have a lot to learn and a lot to prepare. Here I come, Pearl of the Caribbean!

Here I Step
So here I step
and I don't claim to know,
All that came and all that follows,
Too much, too wondrous for a mind to decode
are the ways of this journey that unfold.
Each piece is held, cherished, unveiled,
As time flows,
But not too soon do the petals open.
For what fun would it be,
What credit would be claimed,
If the beauty were predictable
and revealed with no anticipation,
No thoughts to disguise what reality may be,
No one to get-to-know through the waiting,
No mystery?
I'd prefer my foot moved forward,
Even into shadows, quickly fleeing,
Than stand with the photographs of
what's to come within me.
For the knowing deep inside,
Being sure of what I hope for,
Certain of what I do not see,
Is what the ancients were commended for,
And they were all living by faith when they died.
So here I step, here I go:
"Being sure of what I hope for and certain of what I do not see."

He is the Rock; Haiti is the Island.

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