Sunday, March 30, 2014

Arise and Shine!

“Be strong and of good courage, and do it; do not fear or be dismayed, for the LORD God—my God—will be with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you, until you have finished all the work for the service of the house of the Lord.” ~1 Chronicles 28:20

First night here! :) 
Just as the Lord called the Israelites to serve at the House of the Lord, so I am also understanding the call to just do it and not grow weary or dismayed as I finish out my first year at Quisqueya Christian School. J Tomorrow we will begin the second week of the 4th quarter! It’s truly hard to comprehend that more than ¾ of the school year has passed.

The Barbancourt Rhum Room 
Exciting news from March includes the wonderful visit from my mom and Matt! I still cannot believe that they were actually here—walking the streets I walk, sitting in the classroom I teach in, hanging out in the room I live out of, and meeting friends I’ve made here. It was a blast! We got to travel to the beach and the countryside, so they got to experience some of the diversity of Haiti. We had a relaxing, sweet time together. It’s the first time my mom had been out of the country since she was 17! She said she’s already thinking about coming back next year. J

School-side: We’ve begun reading the memoir Night by Elie Wiesel in my 10th grade class. Like never before have I been struck by the appalling horror of the Holocaust. As I research, a sickness grows in my stomach. This intense dehumanization of millions of people is unfathomable. To see these documented in pictures, videos, words, interviews, is a harsh experience. My hope is that my 10th graders feel and understand the reality of what humans are capable of and the choices that we are constantly making that determine outcomes of many motives.

In 9th grade we are working through a short unit on poetry. They’re expressing themselves through creative and written outlets. It’s fun! Next, we’re headed into the dystopian world of Fahrenheit 451. I’m looking forward to that!

My English Enrichment class continues to do a lot of independent reading which is interspersed with reading to 2nd graders, reading outside, and trips to the library.

The middle school classes I help out in are working through speeches and profile pieces. They’re vivacious and unpredictable. J
Can you see the crab?

Life remains fresh and interesting as I continue to press on in my Kreyol learning. I just joined a Bible study group that a few of the cafeteria ladies do each week. I went for the first time 2 weeks ago—we prayed, read the Word, discussed the passages, and prayed some more in a mixture of Kreyol and English. I am looking forward to these meetings!

My moto adventures (riding on the back of public motorcycle transportation) are getting richer every day. I went out to eat with my high school discipleship group on Friday and tried to communicate with Monsieur Mark (my newly regular driver), how to get to Pizza Garden…I’d never been there before. After a bit of miscommunication because of my lack of Kreyol vocab, we figured it out! The time with my discipleship group was filled with laughs, sharing, food, and fun. J I’m honored to share life with these girls.
Night at the beach with Mom & Matt

God is good all the time and all the time God is good. Adversities come and go, but He is never changing. He is salvation bringer, peace wielder, and love bearer. All praise be to Jesus Christ for He is holy and is making me ever more into His likeness (little by little).